It is time to hire professional management when:
....your tenant's treat you as if you are their mom and dad. get a call on Thanksgving Day that the oven is not working.
....the day you realize every favor your tenant's ask is aganist your own best interest. get to enjoy your tenant's neighbor's music, via phone, along with your tenant at 3:00AM. realize after 30 years you have not heard every excuse. are at your third housing inpection appointment for the same vacancy. dawns on you you just financed your tenant's next car.
....after turning over the keys to a qualified tenant you learn their criminal relatives moved in. are actually considering letting your kids move into your rental.
....the investment you bought puts you instead into the complicated business of providing housing subject to local and federal regulation after hearing from "Fair Housing". figure out late rent is just one item about rental property that is the cause for your insomnia. find the best time to work on your rental unit is when your tenant is on vacation. open the door to your vacancy and it rains roaches.
....the rate per hour your are paying yourself sucks.
....while refinancing your units the tenants will not cooperate with the appraiser. get a notice from the city for "no permit" for the new patio cover/room addition. knock on the door of your rental and people you have never seen in your life answer the door. realize again; that was the last sob story you will ever listen to. are on your "don'nt remember how many" no show appointments.
....after hanging up the phone your family is staring in stunned silence.
....late rent is the cheapest loan in town. find yourself breaking into your own property and there is no mailbox key either. recieve threats from your tenant of a law suit for a leaking roof to find a new antenna screwed to the new shingles.
...the fire dept refuses to respond to another flood at your property.
....your handyman left the country. have to evict the nice family from church. realize you made the right decision and it is the first time you thought of your rental property when you recieved your monthly statement from Western International Property Management. is to short please call us 714 741-8020.
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